Walmart Wellness
I worked with an agency for close to a year to help Walmart get their 2.3 million associates more engaged and excited about their hundreds of benefits and wellness offerings. These, frankly, pretty amazing no- or low-cost benefits were part of their total compensation, so we just wanted to make the associates realize what was available to them, without scaring them away with intimidating insurance talk.
Annual Enrollment
Here's a snippet from the 2022 Annual Enrollment Guide. I worked as lead copywriter on this entire campaign, and created the copy for all of our deliverables, which ran on Facebook,, banner ads, print, direct mail, and internal documents. Like any HCP material, this copy was subject to many legal reviews, and we had a lot of help on that front from technical writers at another agency, but my job was to keep the tone as friendly and approachable as possible. Get those bennies!
Well-being Toolkit
Following a successful Annual Enrollment, we were tasked with creating a campaign framework and toolkit that would continue to promote Walmart's awesome wellness programs that are available all year long. I got to work alongside my favorite art director partner to lead the creative on this project, and although Walmart has pretty strict brand guidelines, we were able to achieve a bit of creative freedom in both the language and the look and feel. The language of the toolkit matches the messaging of the campaign itself—breezy, chatty, and easy-to-read. Our goal was to, again, make the campaign as approachable and fun as possible, while keeping it authentic.